
Mad Hatter Tea PartyInspired by the Lewis Carroll classic works “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass” the Wonderland Tea Company pays homage to these great literary works. In the summer of 2019 The Wonderland Tea Company launched in Cheshire, CT. Josh Liposky and Jerry Piscitelli, two Connecticut natives inspired by their passion for tea and the works of Lewis Carroll introduced an assortment of tea blends but due to the impacts of global supply chain and the lock-down of business during the 2020 covid-19 pandemic they were no longer able to offer some of the amazing tea blends the town came to love. Moving forward this website will to continue to share and educate anyone about all things tea. Read and share our site as we share tea recipes, products, new brands and other types of tea with all those inspired by a world of healthy tea drinking.  And remember…

“Take some more tea”

~ The March Hare